- The Mommy Walk - http://themommywalk.com -

Off to a Good Start

Start children off on the way they should go,
and even when they are old they will not turn from it. -Proverbs 22:6

They clomp around the kitchen in our shoes. They stuff dolls up their shirts so they can “nurse.” They plaster their little faces with our mascara, lipstick and eye shadow when we forget and leave our makeup bag on the end table.

Yup, made that mistake–once.

In every way possible, they want to be just like us.

I remember about a year ago when my oldest was watching me slather on eczema cream. She wanted the cream on her little arms and legs, too, of course. I explained that this cream was special and only for me, to help my eczema. “When I get to be a mommy,” she said, her blue eyes solemn, “I’m going to have eggs-ma and put special cream on me.”

I know the day is coming when my ratings will tank. I will fall hopelessly off the cool-o-meter. They’re going to want to do the opposite of what I do. So right now, while I can see in their eyes the unquestioning trust, admiration, and yes, even awe, I want to model the behaviors and attitudes that will get them off on the right foot.

I want them to hear me speak to my husband with kindness. Long before they understand what makes a marriage, they are absorbing the way we interact. I want that interaction to be respectful, even when we’re drained from the responsibility of caring for these little ones.

I want them to see me getting ready for Bible study, whether that be dashing out the front door with a flurry of last-minute dinner instructions, or sush-ing everyone as I close the bedroom door, my laptop ready.

I want them to feel my gratitude that they are in my life, as surely as they can feel my hugs. No matter what might be happening that day to thwart a mindset of thankfulness for these gifts.

I know I won’t walk this path perfectly. I can’t. Nor can they follow perfectly in the way they should go. So, above all, I want the aroma of grace to fill our home. I want them to know that I need forgiveness, they need forgiveness, and that God pours it out in Christ. I want them to breathe easy in that forgiveness. From God. From us.

Right now, they see what I do and follow me. I turn their trusting eyes to the One who is worthy of their awe for all He has done. He is the God they will follow home.

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