- The Mommy Walk - http://themommywalk.com -

We Love Our Library

Who doesn’t love the library? I take the girls every other week.

There are puzzles to do.

Games to play.

New friends to make.

And, of course, books to read.

The library was my favorite place growing up. Naturally, I would want to share it with my own little ones. Despite all the challenges that our library trips entail.

There was the incident when *somebody* (who shall remain nameless) hid under the puzzle table and left a huge puddle of #1 on the carpet. “I am so very sorry,” I said, chagrined. “Happens all the time,” said the children’s room librarian.

And then there was the time when *somebody* tore to shreds the first five or six pages of a lovely picture book. “Heh, heh…new baby angst,” I said with a weak laugh, forking over $18.99 for the mangled book. “We understand,” said the circulation desk librarian.

And the occasion when *somebody* hit the automatic door opener and bolted out the front doors as I was checking out our books, my other two in tow. “I’ve got her!” called the teenage library page as she ran out the door in time to nab the escapee.

Well, to tell the truth, that actually happened more than once…but who is counting??

The important thing is that we are getting out, and I am passing on my love of books, right?

Never mind that my husband says he will never set foot in our local library. “They probably have a silent alert that they hit every time you walk in.”

“Sweetheart, we’re not bad patrons! We always pay our fines. Not to mention our super high property taxes. And the girls really are getting better.”

It’s true. Our library trip last week went so smoothly, you never would have thought it possible for them to have committed those past offenses. Our visits are becoming less stressful, and more fun. My favorite place has become everyone’s favorite.



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