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Wealth and Riches in Our Houses

I don’t know how things look from your living room couch, but as I look around our house, I see a wealth of dried out markers, socks with no mate, lift-the-flap books with flaps ripped out of them, and, of course, diapers. An abundance of diapers, a diaper deluge.

And no shortage of creative ways to play with them.

If wealth could be measured in diapers and pull-ups, we would be rich.

Well, in a way, it can be.

It used to be that a family’s wealth was defined not by square footage of home, not by make of vehicle, not by returns on one’s assets.

It used to be that wealth was measured by children, and grandchildren. In some cultures, it still is.

We live in a culture that considers kids a financial drain on a family’s resources.  And it’s true that kids are expensive. Those diapers? Good thing these little goofballs have such a good time with the boxes, because after buying the diapers we’ve got no money left for toys! (Just kidding. You should see our family room…)

And kids used to contribute to the family’s financial well-being more than they are able to do so today. We don’t have our kids helping feed the livestock or harvest the crops.

Well, okay, sometimes we still do.

I just wish that our culture hadn’t done a 180, from the assumption that kids are the true wealth of one’s home to the attitude that kids are a drain. While I remind myself what a blessing these children are, this attitude can creep into my own heart.

How often have I complained about how expensive diapers are??

Okay, don’t answer that!

How often have my husband and I had conversations about major expenses coming up, and I have felt worried?

How often have I felt envious of the “things” that other families have, forgetting that my true wealth is right here on my lap?

Blessed are those who fear the Lordwho find great delight in his commands.

Their children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed.

Wealth and riches are in their houses, and their righteousness endures forever. Psalm 112:1-3

Wealth and riches are in my house, and in your house, too. Maybe it is material wealth. (And when it comes right down to it, all of us can say that we have amazing material blessings [1] when we look at the needs and challenges of most people around the world.)

Maybe it is the wealth of children. Or grandchildren.

Maybe you are enjoying the riches of good health.

Or the wealth of good friends.

And no matter what our circumstances, we have the greatest riches of all.

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich. 2 Corinthians 8:9

Jesus has made us rich. He left the riches of his kingdom in heaven, came to earth, lived perfectly in our place, and died for us. Because of him, we have peace with God. We’re going to spend eternity with him in the amazing place that he has planned for us. And while we’re here on earth, we have his assurance that he really cares about every detail of our lives. How we’re going to pay for that new washing machine. How to teach our kids about real wealth. How to learn and practice contentment ourselves.

We have true riches. Right here in our homes.

And stored up for us in our heavenly homes.

We are wealthy. We are privileged. God’s love has made us so.

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