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Easter Promises

My six year old was afraid that Easter wouldn’t come this year.

Last week she asked, “Mom, when are we going to get our Easter pictures taken at Miss Shannon’s?”

“I’m going to hold Oreo the bunny!” Leave it to my sweet four year old to remember the name of the long-suffering rabbit that our photographer brings into the studio every year.

I’m going to hold the bunny!” my two year old asserted.

“You can take turns holding the bunny,” said my oldest, clearly wondering why that solution never seemed to occur to her younger sisters. “But when are we going?”

“We..ell, sweetie pie,” started my husband. He didn’t need to say more.

My six year old’s face crumpled. I pulled her onto my lap as tears started rolling.

“But, but if we don’t get our Easter pictures taken at Miss Shannon’s, how will Easter come?”

“Sweetheart, what’s the most important part of Easter?” my husband asked.

“That Jesus raised from the dead,” she said with a sniffle.

“That’s right. And what’s the second?”

“Looking pretty?”

My husband and I exchanged glances. “That we’re all together as a family,” I said. “And we can still do lots of fun things for Easter,” I added. “Like color Easter eggs. And we maybe can do some new things, too.”

These past few days, we have packed in the Easter fun:

coloring eggs,

baking Easter cookies,

hunting for eggs,

reading Easter stories with their aunt via FaceTime,

and even watching an old school Easter special.

I think the girls got over their disappointment that we had to forego some of our Easter traditions, such as getting their picture taken with Oreo, followed by lunch at “Clover’s” (Culver’s).

These past five weeks have taught me to take advantage of the opportunities for fun. It also has made me realize that there is precious little that I can wholeheartedly promise these girls.

I can’t promise them that they will always get their Easter pictures taken at Miss Shannon’s, or that they will have chocolate eggs in their Easter baskets. A global pandemic intervened…and neither happened. (We really wish we would have stocked up early on the Easter candy!)

I can’t promise them that we will always have our special church service in our familiar pews, surrounded by lilies and hyacinth. (Though we did enjoy an awesome online service that included a virtual choir and video clips of our church family.)

I can’t promise them that they will always be able to see their cousins, or Mamay and Papa.

As a parent, there is so much I can’t control. There is so much I just can’t guarantee.

But I can do this: I can point them to God’s guarantees.

He is in control, even through circumstances that we see as chaotic and baffling.

And since He retains full control, He can make guarantees. His promises are ironclad.

God our Father showed that He can work out every world event in order to keep a promise. He promised us a Savior from our sins, and He sent Jesus at just the right time. Then He led Jesus to the cross, at just the right time. And three days later, He raised Jesus from the dead.

My husband and I can keep reminding our daughters of God’s promise kept. And we can teach them God’s further guarantees:

Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

All things work together for the good of those who love God.

God himself will be with them, and they will be his people. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. 

I am their earthly parent, and, if I’m being truthful, I can’t make very many guarantees. Even at Easter. But God can, and He has. Especially at Easter.

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