- The Mommy Walk - http://themommywalk.com -

A Big Thank You for Post 100

This is The Mommy Walk‘s 100th post! In thinking about this milestone, I realize I am very, very overdue on three counts. First of all, it’s taken me forever to share pics of my girls sporting these adorable T-shirts: “This is going on my Mom’s blog!”

Thank you to the best sister-in-law for finding these T-shirts that really say it all!

And speaking of thanks, I would like to tell all of you “Thank you!” I’m grateful and humbled that you read this blog and care about our family. Some of you have been following it faithfully since the very first posts. Others have joined later. Either way, a big “Thank you” to all is long overdue. I want to make sure you know how much I appreciate you!

And, third, I’ve been meaning for a long time now to ask you for your input on the blog. What are your favorite posts, or the kind of posts you would like to see more of? More pictures? More stories? More Scripture? More posts that are suitable for sharing with a friend who needs encouragement? More posts that are shorter and to the point? (I promise I can be concise…well, okay, it will take some practice, but I’ll try! 😆) Any tips or suggestions on the technical side of things? Please comment with your feedback!

I’m thanking God today for 100 posts filled with laughter (some tears, too!) surprises, and grace. And, once again, I am thanking each of you for sharing the journey. God blessings to all of you!


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