
I’m a wife, mom and writer. I am God’s work of art, his creation, recreated in Jesus and empowered to accomplish the tasks he has set before me. I don’t have to go far to find the work that God prepared just for me, long ago. It is right here, right in front of me, as I travel the path of my daily life.

At the age of 40, I have

  • 60,000 miles on the minivan
  • 5 perpetually undressed baby dolls on the floor
  • 4 baskets of permanently unfolded clean laundry in the hall
  • 3 precious little girls
  • 2.25 semi-tamed acres surrounded by Michigan cornfields, and
  • 1 tolerant, “country boy” husband.

I can do this (keep everyone fed, loved, and in clean underwear) through Christ who strengthens me.