Country living, Raising kids of faith

Summer Fun

This summer has been busy, busy, busy! I don’t know why I thought that things would slow down. Keeping four active girls occupied and happy is no small task. I have been trying to get everyone into a routine of doing different chores. My oldest is excited about learning how to cook. She is proud of her progress, and so…

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Country living, Just for laughs

All in a Day’s Work

Okay, it’s been awhile. My short break from the blog turned into a lengthy hiatus. Let’s just pretend it hasn’t been so long. I’ve missed all of you, and if you have missed us, make sure to thank my husband for encouraging me to get back at it. This particular true story captures very well what my life is like…

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Country living, God's Protection

Worth More than Robins

Are not two sparrows sold for a small coin? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without the knowledge and consent of your Father. …So do not be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows. –Matthew 10: 29, 31 Last week a fierce windstorm knocked a robin’s nest out of our crabapple tree. From our kitchen…

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Country living, Just for laughs


The thing about living in the country is that sometimes a stray cow moseys over and parks itself in your backyard. Over the summer, we had this unexpected visitor from the farm next door. At least she made herself useful by trimming the grass under our hanging baskets. I grew up without animals in the house, or the yard, for…

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Country living, Taking care of ourselves, Uncategorized

Learning to Leave It

This is sanity time. I have a new evening routine. My old routine consisted of rushing frantically from suppertime till bedtime to finish all the nightly chores (and daytime chores that never got done). Dish clearing. Bib washing. Dishwasher loading. Lunch making. Laundry transferring. Stain treating. And trying to identify that bad smell in the hall… Then about an hour after…

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