Country living, Raising kids of faith

Summer Fun

This summer has been busy, busy, busy! I don’t know why I thought that things would slow down. Keeping four active girls occupied and happy is no small task. I have been trying to get everyone into a routine of doing different chores. My oldest is excited about learning how to cook. She is proud of her progress, and so am I!

We also had a fantastic trip to Wisconsin for a family wedding. I’m happy to report that traveling has gotten easier, even as our family has grown. Though I wouldn’t say I’m a “go-to” for family vacation planning, my husband and I have learned a trick or two. First, we travel with a portable potty that fits behind the console of the van, and accommodates several uses before it needs cleaning, as it has a flushing mechanism. This was all my husband’s idea, and it has been a lifesaver. One of our best purchases ever.

I’ve gotten pretty good at stocking the van with fun activities for the road. Wikki Stix are a must.

They even help me stay calm…I have as much fun with them as the girls.

However, I must add an important note to parents: If your youngster falls asleep on the Wikki Stix and they get hopelessly stuck in her hair, DO NOT attempt to yank them out.

I did finally extract the waxy yarn, after massaging her scalp with lots of soap and de-greasing essential oils.

They always say that getting there is half the fun.

The main purpose of the trip was so that our 14 month old could spread cuteness at a family wedding as one of two “junior flower girls.” She and another baby rode down the aisle in our gussied-up Radio Flyer wagon.

Our daughter completely forgot about throwing the petals, though her big sister had practiced with her several times before we left.

No one minded.

The reception was at the bride’s home – a real, working farm.

The girls were in heaven. They got to dance,

hang out with the farm equipment (and pretend to be chickens),

eat wedding smores,

and even feed a baby calf.

Before we left, we also signed the couple’s new family Bible, and the girls highlighted their favorite passages. I never knew the girls even had favorite passages! My 6 year old’s favorite: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding” – Proverbs 3:5. My 8 year old: Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me” Psalm 50:15.

As we were walking back to the van, the sky was growing dark and the fireflies were coming out.
“They have fireflies in Wisconsin?!” my six-year old exclaimed.

“Yes, of course,” I replied. “There are fireflies all over.”

“I never knew there were fireflies in Wisconsin!” We paused to watch them dance. I was reminded of one of my favorite parts of the Bible: “Praise the LORD from the earth…you mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars, wild animals and all cattle, small creatures and flying birds, kings of the earth and all nations, …young men and women, old people and children. Let them praise the name of the LORD” (Psalm 148).

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