Appreciating our gifts, Life as a SAHM

A Big Thank You for Post 100

This is The Mommy Walk‘s 100th post! In thinking about this milestone, I realize I am very, very overdue on three counts. First of all, it’s taken me forever to share pics of my girls sporting these adorable T-shirts: “This is going on my Mom’s blog!” Thank you to the best sister-in-law for finding these T-shirts that really say it…

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God's Protection, Life as a SAHM, Raising kids of faith

Carry On, Mama

We are now a full week into semi-isolation. The upheaval, uncertainty, and upsets to our routine have affected my mental wellbeing more than I like to admit. I can’t change these challenging circumstances…so what can I do? Today I realized that I can do for myself exactly what I did for my stressed new kindergartener last fall. Shortly after my…

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Life as a SAHM, Surviving winter

What’s Your Superpower?

I always assumed that superheros were the domain of boys. As a mom of three girls, I figured I would be filling the dress-up bin with princess gowns instead of superhero costumes, and tripping over abandoned Barbies rather than action figures. But now the girls have caught superhero fever. They especially love PJ Masks, a very popular cartoon that expertly…

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Life as a SAHM, Potty training

Still the Best Job in the World

That’s right, we’re back in the potty training trenches. My youngest is 25 months old, and she can’t wait to be as grown up as her sisters in every possible way. To capitalize on her eagerness, I kicked off the potty training with 4 days of the “bare bottom” approach. The technique worked for my oldest, and my middle child…eventually.…

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Life as a SAHM, Starting kindergarten

Facing our First Day of Kindergarten

“I know, Bun-Bun, I’ll miss you, too.” We were driving back from Kindergarten Roundup last spring, and my five year old was engaged in serious conversation with her favorite stuffy, a well-loved bunny. “I’ll be at Kindergarten,” she explained to Bun-Bun as we sped down the expressway. “So I won’t be there for lunch, but I’ll be home for dinner.…

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