My last post reminded me that we are on the verge of getting buried alive by actual laundry. (More on the mental cleaning this weekend…I’m working on worry this week! Not that moms ever have issues with worry, right??) I’ve found that including the girls in laundry and other housework is a great strategy. I love their creativity. They can…
Category: Uncategorized
Lenten Detox, Part 1: Putting the Purifier to Work
Winter can be tough when you have very little ones. Getting out is quite a feat when the world beyond your sliding glass doors looks like this. And the view inside is even more hairy. These winter months tend to breed more than just viruses. Grumpiness. Short fuses. Worry. Anxiety. Envy. Discontent. All of them toxic mental attitudes. Yes, it…
Don’t Touch My ‘Do
Hi there. I’m what they call “the middle child,” sandwiched between my four year old big sister and my little baby sister. Since I’m a straight shooter, I’ll tell you right up front the most important thing to know about me: I never do anything I don’t want to do. You may be thinking, “Whoa, girl, you really need a…
Send Us Quiet Sleep
I had always pictured putting my children to bed as a relaxing, peaceful time to reflect on the day and bond with them. That was before I actually had children. The before bed routine is the busiest 45 minutes of the day: changing diapers, brushing teeth, reading books, refilling humidifiers, setting sound machines (my attempt to keep the others asleep…
Remember This for All the Days
Usually I hear it from older moms. “This time while they are little will go by in a flash,” they tell me. “Blink once and they are headed off to college.” And usually I am hearing these comments while trying desperately to hold everything together in a public place such as the grocery store. It’s so easy…